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Customer case
Johnson & Johnson
    美国强生(Johnson & Johnson)成立于1886年,是世界上规模最大,产品多元化的医疗卫生保健品及消费者护理产品公司。据《财富》和《商业周刊》97年公布的结果,强生公司市场价值指标评比名列全球第20位,并位居全美十大最令人羡慕的公司之列,1999年全球营业额高达275亿美元
    Johnson & Johnson was founded in 1886, is the world's largest, product diversification of health care products and consumer care products company. According to "Fortune" and "Business Week" 97 published results, Johnson & Johnson's market value indicators ranked 20th in the world, and ranked among the nation's ten most enviable companies, in 1999 the global turnover of up to 275 Billion dollars
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