  租赁热线:400-688-1713 | 010-59410282
Customer case
    贝塔斯曼集团拥有176年历史,是《财富》全球500强企业,是在世界上居于领导地位的媒体和服务集团。贝塔斯曼在世界上50多个国家和地区开展电视(RTL集团)、图书(兰登书屋RandomHouse)、杂志(古纳雅尔G+J)、服务(欧唯特集团arvato)和媒体俱乐部(直接集团DirectGroup)等业务。2008年8月5日,索尼宣布收购贝塔斯曼所持有索尼贝塔斯曼另50%股权,成为100%美国索尼子公司,并更名回为“索尼音乐娱乐”(Sony Music Entertainment Inc.,简称SMEI)
    Bertelsmann Group has a history of 176 years, is the "Fortune" Global 500 companies, is the world's leading media and service groups. Bertelsmann conducts business in more than 50 countries and regions such as TV (RTL), RandomHouse, G + J, Service (arvato) and Media Club (DirectGroup). August 5, 2008, Sony announced the acquisition of Bertelsmann held by Sony Bertelsmann 50% stake in the 100% US subsidiary of Sony, and changed its name to "Sony Music Entertainment"
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