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Customer case
    晶科能源控股有限公司(纽交所代码:JKS)成立于2006年,是全球为数不多的拥有垂直一体化产业链的光伏制造商,业务涵盖了优质的硅锭,硅片,电池片生产以及高效单多晶光伏组件制造, 2014年垂直产能达3.2GW。我们对产业链的全面控制确保产品的卓越品质与成本优势,从而让全球客户享受到晶科能源带来的非凡价值。 
    Jingke Energy Holdings Co., Ltd. (NYSE: JKS) was established in 2006 and is one of the few PV manufacturers with vertical integrated industrial chain in the world. The business covers high quality silicon ingots, silicon wafers, As well as high efficiency single polycrystalline PV module manufacturing, 2014 vertical capacity of 3.2GW. Our comprehensive control of the industry chain to ensure that the product of superior quality and cost advantages, so that customers around the world to enjoy the extraordinary value of Jingke energy.
上一篇: 【2017-10-14】VMware 下一篇: 【2017-10-14】SONY 
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