  租赁热线:400-688-1713 | 010-59410282
Customer case
    优酷由古永锵在2006年6月21日创立  。2006年12月21日正式上线。优酷现为阿里巴巴文化娱乐集团大优酷事业群下的视频平台。目前,优酷、土豆两大视频平台覆盖5.8亿多屏终端、日播放量11.8亿,支持PC、电视、移动三大终端,兼具版权、合制、自制、自频道、直播、VR等多种内容形态。 
    Youku was founded on June 21, 2006 by Victor Koo. December 21, 2006 officially launched. Youku is now Alibaba culture and entertainment group excellent Youku business group under the video platform. At present, Youku, potatoes two major video platform covers more than 580 million multi-screen terminal, the daily playback volume of 1.18 billion, support PC, TV, mobile three terminals, both copyright, custom, homemade, self-channel, live, VR and other Content form.
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